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  • Stefano Chiarotti (skipper of Lunatika) describes the organization of the Regatta with Giancarlo Pedote

    Which types of difficulties you have to face up to when you race in a doublehanded offshore race? Instead, what is the most important satisfaction?
    Sailing with only one member means a big athletic and human challenge. The main efforts concern the organization of the boat and the management of the physical conditions, such as sleeping during some adverse weather conditions. Whether the weather is good or the weather is bad, you always need a man at the boat’s wheel and another who has to manage the riggings. This kind of sailing is the best way to verify the harmony between the two members because of some issues also from a mental point of view. The more the synchronicity between the skipper and the co-skipper is, the better the goals that you reach are, in particular when you are summoning up the energy.
    Perhaps the mistakes are more serious than the other kind of sailing race but the aims that you can achieve are satisfying.

    Pedote and you haven’t ever raced together. How are you going to organize everything for the Palermo-Montecarlo sailing race? What about the division of the duties in order to be in harmony in such a demanding race?
    In the category “x2” everybody has to know how to do everything. Giancarlo is an excellent sailor and I think that it will be essential to have his priceless contribution in particular when you have to choose the best strategies. Although there were not so many opportunities to race together, we have a past full of experiences and we are definitely ready for this event. Anyway, these days we’re making a deep checkup of Lunatika.

With us for regatta

with collaboration of

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

from Mondello

Circolo della Vela

to Montecarlo

Yacht Club de Monaco