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    George David/owner of Rambler(US)
    The Palermo-Montecarlo Regatta was a great race. 58 hours were maybe too much to sail 500 miles but we had some stops (the first afternoon after Ustica and the second night passing the coast of Corsica) and several moments of light breeze. In general, it was a beautiful race. It's possible that Rambler will go back to Palermo. I have never been in Palermo before, we received a wonderful welcome by the President of the Circolo della Vela Sicilia. I hadn't known before the history of the Circolo della vela Sicilia and that really impressed me.

    Brad Butterworth/helmsman of Rambler (NZ)
    It was the typical race in the Mediterranean sea. In the Bocche of Bonifacio we run into a strong wind (up to 25 knots) but unfortunately for a short time. Besides, the night long the coast of Corsica was very slow and difficult, we didn't know where we could find the wind.

    Stefan Jentzsch/owner of Wild Joe (GER)
    It was a very tough race. We boumped up into a strong north wind. We did the Palermo-Montecarlo in 2014 but we were forced to withdraw in Porto Cervo because of a breakdown. We really wanted to complete the race and this time we have succedeed. We usually take part in three or four race per year and our crew is really harmonius. Next race will be the Cape Town to Rio.

    Leonardo Servi/owner of Scricca (ITA)
    It was a remarkable period for Scricca: after the win of the Giraglia, this new success represents a great satisfaction. I have to thank you all the members of the group which is very harmonious: the navigator Franco “Ciccio” Manzoli, Matteo Teglia, Ivan Scimonelli, Claudio Arborea, Giuseppe Filippis, Roberto Innamorato and Marco Attanasio. They have been sailing together for three Seasons now and you can see what the results are.

    Beppe Pannarale/owner of Buena Vista (ITA)
    The race was really demanding. After a very calm start, below the Sardinian coasts the wind has changed, we bumped into 30 knots from North-East up to Porto Cervo: there we suffered a lot. Besides, in the Bocche of Bonifacio we took advantage of a strong wind. Unfortunately, this morning we have stopped opposite Montecarlo from 5 to 10 a.m. Anyway, we are fifth placed in real time right after pure racing boats, while we are a race-cruise. I'm very proud of being the first italian boat which crossed the finish line.

    Domi Aiello/trimmer of Buena Vista (ITA)
    The race of the Circolo della Vela's crew was perfect, even when the wheater conditions were terribile. The most remarkable thing was the synergy with the sailors from Bari.

    Renzo Grottesi/owner of Be Wild (ITA)
    I'm curios about the ranking in the corrected time: we had some difficult moments that made the race really demanding. Anyway, the crew did a good job and the boat was generally fast. It was a beautiful regatta.

With us for regatta

with collaboration of

Yacht Club Costa Smeralda

from Mondello

Circolo della Vela

to Montecarlo

Yacht Club de Monaco